Saturday, May 4, 2013

May the Fourth, 2013, week 5

Today is Intergalactic Star Wars Day, so for any sci fi fans out there, may the fourth be with you (a little addition from daughter Eowyn, who is helping keep this blog patched together). Here is her secretary (Percy):

The puppies are now five weeks, and playing like wild things. They have the run of the dining area (green floor), half the bedroom (wooden floor), and have been several times in the outside dog run, which they love. 

Rusty, seal & white like Dillon
Dash, clear sable
Percy, shaded sable & white
Emily, shaded sable & white

Lady, shaded sable & white
Annie is a darker seal & white, not quite black

Molly, seal & white
Daisy is seal & white, like Dillon

Percy and Lady, ready, set, go!