Our questions for you

Dear Potential Puppy Buyer,
We would like our puppies to go to homes where they will be well cared for and appreciated. To help us in this, thank you for filling this out. Email your answers to ellen.schulze@gmail.com.

E-mail address:

1. How did you become interested in English Shepherds? 

2. Do you have a kennel, fenced yard, acreage, or farm?  

 3. Do you have someone at home during the day?

4. Do you have other animals or livestock on your property?   

5.  Please describe what type of work you'd like your English Shepherd to do for you.

6.  Have you ever owned a dog?            Do you have any other dogs now?           What breed?

6. Do you have children?          How old are they?      
Are there other children a puppy would associate with on a regular basis? 

7. Do you see yourself ever breeding your English Shepherd?    

8. What gender do you prefer?             Why? 

9. Would you consider the other gender if your preference isn't available?

10. Character references with phone number: someone who knows of your experience with dogs.

Thank you.